Singer Featherweight Attachment Case
This Page Compliments of Sharon Reese:

This is a very hard-to-find, luggage-style Singer featherweight attachment case. It measures 11.5" long x 9" wide x 4" tall. Handle is leather.
The attachments that came with the case included: braiding foot, gauge presser foot, left and right toe cording feet, darning presser foot, zipper foot, zigzagger, pinker, needle threader and ripper, material gripper, buttonholer, Singercraft guide, quilter, single-thread embroidery attachment, and hemstitcher. Some of these are amazing finds just by themselves! (I have all of them pictured below.) The cases did come in different colors and with different attachments.

The picture on the left shows the case open. The sheet of paper inside the lid is the original "map" of where to place what attachments. (BTW, I believe that the attachments sold originally with the case did NOT include their cardboard boxes. I bought many items separately to fill the case, so many things here do include boxes.) Picture on the right shows what's behind the map - pictures of what you can do with the enclosed attachments.

This is by far the hardest-to-find attachment in this case. A single-thread embroidery attachment (26538) with its box. Unfortunately, the attachment is missing a metal bar that attaches to the top of your machine and holds a spool of thread.

On the left, material gripper (121318) and its instructions. Needle threader and ripper (121634) below it. On the right, pinking attachment with box.

Hemstitcher (121387) and its throatplate and thumb screw. Singer screwdriver and non-Singer screwdriver.

Back row: quilter (35932), braiding foot (36067), gauge presser foot (35207), ribbon threader, cutting gauge. Front row: non-Singer seam guide, large thumb screw source unknown, left (15429) toe cording foot, cutting gauge, darning presser foot (121094), right (125035) toe cording foot, and zipper foot (121877). All of these go inside the blue bag with drawstring (string has come out of bag), except cutting gauges, seam guide, screw, and quilting foot.

Zigzagger (121706) with box, manual, edge guide, and original tissue paper (not shown).

On left, buttonholer (121795) with throatplate and screw, thumb screw, and manual. On right, Singercraft guide (121079) with instructions and tissue pattern.