International Sewing Machine Collectors' Society

The purpose of the International Sewing Machine Collectors' Society is to foster the collecting of, and research into, sewing machines.

Domestic Sewing Machine Company

  • Colorful Victorian-era Domestic Sewing Machine Company trading card featuring decorative borders and company branding

    Domestic Trading Card

  • Articles
  • Historical articles about the Domestic Sewing Machine Company featuring William Mack's entrepreneurship and specialized information on machine attachments like the Underbraider.
  • Machines
  • Technical details of various Domestic sewing machine models, featuring specialized guidance on threading, oiling, shuttle operation, and the innovative combination fly-wheel mechanism.
  • Manuals
  • Archive of original instruction manuals for Domestic sewing machine models, featuring detailed operation guides for the New Domestic, Franklin models, and Domestic Rotary series from the late 19th and early 20th centuries.