Singer sewing machine decal set:
"Ottoman Carnations"

Singer "High Arm Family" (1885/6). Few of these were made and it was in production for less than two years. The machine was virtually a larger class 12 transverse shuttle in a high arm casting. Squire's original design registration (patent) for the similarly dimensioned Improved Family is here(.pdf file).

12K (1899), towards the end of class 12 production.Squire's original 1884 design registration (patent) for the class 12 'Ottoman Carnations' is here (.pdf file). He describes it as "... a main flower resembling a dianthus (carnation), and a smaller flower resembling a buttercup, and interlaced stems bearing buds and slender pointed leaves". Ottomans don't get a mention. And definitely no peacock tails. Nonetheless, it's an intriguing mix of Islamic and figurative styles. The 'buttercups' can be seen on the belt cover but most of the 'buds' seem to have blossomed into forget-me-nots.
12K (1899) detail.

Class 28 (serial #K369634)

Class 28 (rear).John Langdon2012
(Copyright photos courtesy of Lee King, Martin Gregory, John Langdon and ISMACS News)